Change Narrative Consulting projects: collaborations, workshops, and public speaking engagements.
National Consulting Projects (2022-23)
- Project Drawdown – ongoing contractor on Drawdown Stories Project Team, supporting Drawdown’s Neighborhood, a city-by-city video series (Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Twin Cities, New Orleans, and NYC Tri-State Area) featuring underrepresented climate heroes around the theme of “passing the mic” to voices who often go unheard in climate conversations.
- Environmental and Climate Change Literacy Projects (ECCLPs) – ongoing consultant, supporting the open call for California climate stories in collaboration with the University of California – California State University systems to advance PK – 12 climate justice literacy.
- Taproot Earth – ongoing consultant, providing narrative coaching to support the development of first-person narratives from the Gulf South to Appalachia demonstrating shared struggles and visions for climate reparations supporting the #WeChooseNow Climate Action Strategy. Additionally, drafting a Narrative Justice Toolkit, which documents the history and process of the Gulf South Rising Community Controlled Fund, created by and for frontline communities.

Minnesota-based Projects (2022-23)
- Indigenous-led nonprofit in MN, Oyate Hotanin, to facilitate climate healing programming, called Society of Mother Earth or S.O.M.E., which incorporates artistic and somatic programming (music, poetry, stage performance, and circle keeping) as an invitation for people to connect, and move through informal processes that acknowledge climate emotions, and promote ways to cope.
- COPAL (Comunidades Organizando el Poder y la Acción Latina) and Take Action MN (Fall 2023) to develop five climate stories about climate migration connections as preparation for video testimonials to support MN Environmental Justice Cumulative Impacts Bill
- Somali Museum of Minnesota (Summer 2023) to support the We Are Water MN exhibit through the MN Humanities Center to develop a community engagement event featuring Gabay (Somali poetry).
- Freshwater Society (Summer 2023) – Curated program for the annual gala, Water Connects Us, to celebrate water as a vital life way and resource, including content, music, and storytelling.
- Institute on the Environment (Summer 2023) – Environmental Justice Leaders Storytelling Project
- “Testify: Americana from Slavery to Today” (Winter/Spring 2023)- Project lead for Testify Tuesday Public Narrative Workshops in collaboration with partners ACLU of MN and The Loft Literary Center, held weekly during the eight-week run of the public exhibit at the Minneapolis Central Library. Change Narrative curated and moderated the culminating storytelling slam featuring a range of social justice issues.
- Environmental Justice Narratives: Personal Stories from the Field (Summer 2022) worked with Minnesota Transforms to support six student interns in developing environmental justice narratives
- Community Faculty Mentor (Spring Semester 2022) SUST 3017- Environmental Justice Course, University of Minnesota
- Sustainability Alumni Mapping Project (Spring 2022) University of St. Thomas, Office of Sustainability
Stage Productions (2022-23)
- MN Fringe Festival Show: Changing the Narrative: Climate Stories for Justice (Summer 2022) -recipient of the 2022 Golden Lanyard: Best in House ‘Venue Pick’ Award as first-time Producer
- Change Narrative is a collaborative partner of The Buffalo Show, with a standing segment providing climate context, introducing a community storyteller to share live from the stage, and inviting the audience to “turn and talk” and reflect on ways to deepen action. Held at the Bryant Lake Bowl Theater in Minneapolis, The Buffalo Show is a variety show hosted by the non-profit Oyate Hotanin, and the musical duo, The Buffalo Weavers
- Testify: Storytelling Slam: Hosted by the Testify Exhibit and the Minneapolis Central Library to celebrate the culmination of the TESTIFY exhibit and TESTIFY Tuesdays workshops. Change Narrative curated the slam program, featuring stories, music, and poetry, representing diverse experiences and perspectives representing various issues of concern to Minnesota citizens.

Storytelling Workshops (2022-23)
- Macalester College Storytelling Workshop Series (Summer 2023)
- Climate Impact Corps Climate Storytelling Training – Serve Minnesota, Americorps (Spring 2023)
- Mary’s Pence Grantee Retreat (Spring 2023)
- University of Minnesota, Environmental Studies and Sciences Forum (Fall 2022)
- Fresh Energy, Climate and Housing Justice Community Convening (Fall 2022)
- College of St. Benedict & St. John’s University, Upper-division environmental literature class (Spring 2022)
- New York Public Schools, 5th Grade Teach-In (Spring 2022)
- Minneapolis Climate Action, Community Engagement Facilitation (Spring 2022)
- Science Museum of Minnesota, Kitty Andersen Youth Science Center (Spring 2022)
Public Speaking (2022-23)
- Freshwater Society, Water Connects Us, Keynote Speaker (Summer 2023)
- Minnesota Climate Adaptation Partnership Awards Ceremony, Keynote Speaker (Winter 2023)
- Environmental and Climate Change Literacy Projects (ECCLPs) ReLaunch Event Speaker (Fall 2022)
- MBooth, Climate Series Speaker (Summer 2022)
- Minnesota Interfaith Power & Light, Unity IFTAR Speaker (Spring 2022)
- Northern Illinois University, Speaking Panel (Spring 2022)
- Climate Generation, #TeachClimateChat twitter discussion (Spring 2022)
- Center for Energy and the Environment (CEE) Storytelling Presentation (Spring 2022)
- Grand Valley State University, Sustainability Series Speaker (Winter 2022)